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Anons on /k/ are discussing a board to discuss economics/finance. Some are saying to call it /finance/ or /stonks/ while others are saying to keep it named /biz/. They were discussing asking trashchan if you would be interested in hosting it so I figured I would make a thread to gauge interest. I'm partial to /stonks/ because worrying about "not trying to attract the wrong crowd" is retarded.
Replies: >>16 >>18
>>15 (OP) 
>gauge interest
Well, you just found the deadest board on the deadest site on the webring, so I don't think you'll receive many replies here.
About willingness of hosting, /k/ and /biz/ is not something I'm into, but if can find a proper BO and proof that there's actually interest (something more that 2 anons arguing that a board like this maybe wouldn't be a bad idea), I might change my mind. I hope I didn't sound like a hypocrite
Replies: >>17
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Makes sense. They're just brainstorming starting a finance board and mentioned trashchan so I was throwing some feelers out to gauge willingness to host if anon can prove it's not just a meme. Thank you for the reply.
>>15 (OP) 
Hey there, I just want to say I'd really appreciate the inclusion of a business board. Especially if it's more related to business discussion and historic repercussions of economic principles rather than cryptoshit and NFTshit, which is basically the only things you can find on any given business related imageboard at the moment.
Anything else? One week passed, and we had hardly any happenings. I'm not against slower boards, but at this rate it would be a dead board, not a slow one.
Replies: >>27
The world is a bit of a chaotic mess right now, makes sense people haven't been keeping up with their demands.
I'd second a /biz/ board but I wish there'd be a bit more people clamoring for it.
Replies: >>29
>I wish there'd be a bit more people clamoring for it.
Well, the absolutely minimum I'd need before we can discuss this further, is a reliable BO application. As far as I can tell, now we only have a few of anons wishing for a board, but nothing more.
Replies: >>30
I'll throw together something of an application and we'll see if you find me worthy. Hopefully I'll get it done tomorrow.
Replies: >>31
Hmm, anything? I'm not impatient, but I'm starting to get worried that maybe you tried to send me something, but for some reason I didn't receive it.
Replies: >>32
Worry not, let's just say that I've got caught up in recent world events in a safely indirect manner, but it did consume quite a lot of time. With that said, please tell me if this application is fine by you:

Email: umperor@citromail.hu
Name: /finance/
Description: Financial follies and monetary medleys 
Default anon name: Assayer
Tags: Finance, Economy, Business

Welcome to /finance/, a board dedicated to all subject financial and economical, both theoretical and practical! 

The rules:
>0. Take it easy!
Not exactly a rule that can be enforced, but it should be included somewhere.
>1. Don't be a nigger!
That is, try to put some effort into your posts, use proper grammar and spelling, and articulate some actual thoughts. This place is not a chatroom.
>2. Stay on topic!
By staying on topic I mean staying on the topic of the board. Discussions naturally wander all over the place, therefore it is perfectly fine to start a thread about taxation and then discuss government bonds, as both of those topics are quite financial in nature. But if you want share your essay about why Atlas Fugged is the best book ever, then you should use the designated offtopic thread; otherwise don't be surprised if your post gets moved there.
>3. Use the catalogue!
Don't be afraid to start a new thread (as long as it has to do something with the topics of the board), but at least look through the catalogue to see if there is already one that covers whatever you want to post about. There is no point in every anon starting his own ˝How do I stop being a poorfag?˝ thread when one mega-thread would serve all of us better. As such, if you make a new thread that brings nothing new to the table, then it might be moved to the appropriate already existing thread.
>4. No spamming!
Should be quite obvious, but I also consider advertising events and imageboards to be a form of spam. For the latter you are free to use the designated offtopic thread. 

In general, I think moderation is better in moderation, and I don't see the point of randomly deleting posts then pretending that nothing happened.
Replies: >>33
Mention that global rules apply, not that they're more fleshed out than this. Also probably a few words about NSFW content (I guess it's going to be a mostly SFW board).
I'll also need a username for your user (anything besides the username and board name can be changed easily).
I'll create the board tomorrow, if no-one objects until it, I guess.
Replies: >>34
>Mention that global rules apply, not that they're more fleshed out than this. Also probably a few words about NSFW content (I guess it's going to be a mostly SFW board).
I'll add them as the 1st and 6th rule then.
>I'll also need a username for your user.
Let it be Umperor. 
>anything besides the username and board name can be changed easily
I take that includes replacing Board Owner with whatever autistic nonsense I want, right? 
>I'll create the board tomorrow, if no-one objects until it, I guess.
I'll try to react as fast as I can, with timezones and whatnot it can be a bit tricky.
Replies: >>35 >>36 >>37
Wait, no, that is already taken by a streamer. I'll figure out what is that word I'm looking for.
Replies: >>36
Umpire, it is umpire.
>replacing Board Owner with whatever autistic nonsense I want
You mean the capcode? That's hardwired into jschan and you can only add suffixes I think.
Replies: >>38
Yeah, that's what you can get.
Also, I'll send an email, no need to rush.
Replies: >>39
Now I'm the one who is getting worried, because I have received nothing.
Replies: >>40
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Hmm... I think I copy-pasted the email.
Replies: >>41
Well then, let's try an other throwaway e-mail:
Replies: >>42
Everything is going according to the keikaku, I see.
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